Night Light Visuals
Web developer/Web designer
You're looking at it! This Night Light Visuals website was long overdue to be completely scrapped and rebuilt and here it is. It was designed using Figma, built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS, deployed via Vercel and managed with Contentful.
The old, arduous process of updating the previous website meant that updates were few and far between. So, the main goal of this time around was to make development process significantly more streamlined. It was crucial that making updates to and adding content was a quick and easy process.
In order to do all of the above, Night Light Visuals was rebuilt using Next.js and Tailwind. This made the initial development smoother and faster. Then, it was moved to a CI/CD flow using Vercel so deployments could be quick and painless and lastly, it was connected to Contentful so that updates and new projects could be added to the site with ease.
All these changes makes the website easy to development, manage and to keep up to date. So all in all, a big success!